“No water, no life. No blue, no green”
Water is the driving force of nature. It is needed for life to exist on this
planet. Though it is described as tasteless, odourless, and colourless, it adds
flavour, fragrance, and vibrance to the life of all living beings.
Water covers about 71% of the Earth. Out of this, less than 3% can be
consumed. This freshwater is threatened by pollution and wastage. We are
heavily dependent on water for most of our daily needs. Unfortunately, some
2.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion
people are deprived of safe sanitation facilities.
Our selfish and careless use of it has led to the contamination and draining
of water resources. Hence, it is our responsibility to conserve water, for the
sustenance of both present and future generations. It is never too late to save
water’s fate.
Every effort should begin at our homes. These simple measures will create a
big impact if followed in every house. We must use minimum water for our
daily needs, close taps properly, fix leaking taps, reduce water use for cleaning,
switch to water-conserving appliances, and so on. Remember that every drop counts.
The government must facilitate water treatment and the management of
sewers effectively, in order to abate pollution and reuse water. Chemicals
from industries should strictly not be discarded in water bodies. We must
strive to avoid polluting water from our side.
Let us try our best to practice rainwater harvesting and plant more trees. We
must encourage our families and friends to adopt these measures.
Water is a priceless gift given by God, yet we humans take it for granted. It is
said that the water cycle and the life cycle are one. Why should we cause our
own destruction?
Therefore, on this World Water Day, let us all pledge to conserve water.